Guiding brave-hearted women to take consistent, intentional action and create the aligned business they dream of.


Womens’ Alignment and Aligned Business Coaching

My Services

  • For women’s Self-Alignment and Aligned Business. Intensives, group and long term coaching are available.

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  • Save time, energy and effort with strategic approaches to growing your business and community.


  • The starting point of aligned business is a self-aligned business owner! Uncover your unique and highest values, start using them to filter your decision making and invite so much more confidence, joy and power into your life!


Redefine Your Reach: Podcasting
for Women in Aligned Business

wanting to actually reach your most aligned client?
craving getting off the hamster wheel of creating
short-lived social media content?

I’m Clara and I’m here to remind you that non-strategic approaches to your business have a direct negative impact on your self-worth. Instead I offer a proven coaching formula that will reinvigorate your relationship to your life’s work.

Sigma Woman : she is self-aligned, loyal, charismatic, radiant, consistent, self-led, empowered, self-assured, confident. She is independent, accountable, self-reliant and holds immaculately wonderful standards for herself. She is an unbothered leader who pays no mind to trends and draws her inspiration from her overflowing internal well. She takes care of herself first and holds exquisite boundaries in knowing that when she shows up fully she makes a difference.

“The structure we created together has finally allowed me to exhale – knowing that I have systems and a solid plan that is fully in alignment with my values and the life I want to live feels so supportive. I could not have anticipated how expansive our work together would be.”


BUSINESS for aligned women podcast

BUSINESS for aligned women podcast

New episodes live 7am every Tuesday

Tune in for empowering conversations hosted by Clara, holistic women-centered business tips and inspiration for leading a self-aligned life.